What about rumors of a Bloomberg-Clinton ticket? Is that realistic or rumor? (segment 2 of 2) 2.18.2020
How do you debate Bloomberg?
How will the other #Democrats on stage at the #DemDebate engage Bloomberg his first time on stage this #DemPrimary season? 2.18.2020
Rumors of a Bloomberg/Clinton ticket - segment 1
What about rumors of a Bloomberg-Clinton ticket? Is that realistic or rumor? (segment 2 of 2) 2.18.2020
What does it mean to have Bloomberg on the debate stage?
What will it mean having Bloomberg on the debate stage for the first time in the #DemPrimary? How does it change the goals of the other candidates for the de...
Bloomberg campaign on the rise?
Is Bloomberg's momentum in Super Tuesday states enough to propel him to first place in the Primary?
(POTUS Radio, 1.20.2020)