This election about "Scranton vs. Park Avenue. From his viewpoint on Park Avenue, all Donald Trump can see is Wall Street. But Joe Biden grew up with Scranto...
What happened to the pandemic relief stimulus?
Gridlock is common place in Washington, but one person owns more responsibility for this mess than anyone else. 10.13.2020
At stake in the election
"If you are one of the Americans [who lost a job] then this is not a political topic for the radio this is your livelihood that is at stake. This is a questi...
What about Joe's agenda?
Joe Biden's agenda to focus on jobs; the economy; and protecting and building on the ACA to expand access to quality, affordable health care matters now more...
How are the Democrats talking about impeachment?
Democrats have to do their constitutional duty and hold Trump accountable - no President is above the law. Democrats also must remain focused on the kitchen table issues facing America: health care, the economy and jobs, and cleaning up corruption. (10.18.19)