"People are suffering" for Trump's failures at handling the pandemic and the economy. "Joe Biden has the backbone to stand up to Donald Trump and call him ou...
Biden Narrows Margin with Rural Voters
In the battle for the soul of our country, rural voters are gravitating more and more towards the values-based leadership of Joe Biden. 9.3.2020
Do rural voters separate state and national politics?
Localization is key for candidates competing for rural votes, specifically putting the interests of a locality ahead of a political agenda.
'The fields are ripe for harvest, but the workers are few'
Roughly half of rural voters who regularly attend religious services are open to voting for a Democrat. There are rural voters ready to support values-driven...
Did politicians leave rural communities behind?
Rural communities have expressed the feeling of being left behind by politicians of both parties. When rural voters make on average $0.75 on the dollar compa...