The corruption of Trump and his administration has put America on the precipice of losing its standing on the global stage. Democrats recognize the stakes of the 2020 election.
(POTUS Radio, 1.20.2020)
Latest analysis of the Democratic Primary field less than 70 days from the Iowa Caucus
What is the status of the Democratic 2020 field 68 days from the Iowa Caucus with more candidates still entering the race. Who is in the lead? Who is falling behind? (Satellite Radio, POTUS Channel, 11.27.19)
The current top contenders for the Democratic nomination and the state of their campaigns
Looking at the numbers and the current direction for Warren, Biden, and Mayor Pete. What role will the order of the early states play in deciding the Democratic nominee? (Satellite Radio, POTUS Channel, 11.27.19)
Trump's vulnerabilities going into 2020: More than you think
The latest research details Trump's vulnerabilities on foreign policy, taxes, and SNAP. (Satellite Radio, 11.27.19)
Bloomberg, proportional delegates and the momentum from the first four primary and caucus states
What chance does Bloomberg stand in the Democratic Primary? What effect will proportional delegates have on the field of nominees? What kind of momentum can candidates get from the first four primary and caucus states? (Satellite Radio, 11.27.19)